Prepping Yourself (Mentally) for a Healthier You in 2013

Prepping Yourself (Mentally) for a Healthier You in 2013

Prepping Yourself (Mentally) for a Healthier You in 2013

Like much of the population, you’ve probably made a New Year’s Resolution.  Similarly, like much of the population, you probably end up breaking it after a few months. At RejuvaHealth, we’re all for helping you renew yourself – whether it’s by providing you with your favorite new compression legwear or just offering some helpful lifestyle tips.  So, for the many of you whose resolution is to “lose weight” or “get healthier”, we’ve comprised a few tips that will help you to mentally stay strong throughout the entire year.

Declare the New Year as a Fresh Start

You only get this chance once a year.  It’s like being able to press the reset button on your life (well, almost). This seems easy, right?  That is, until you head back to work with six additional pounds of holiday weight and can’t think of anything better than the couch and Breaking Bad on Netflix when five o’clock rolls around. Envision your life the way you want to see it – active and happy.  The option is solely up to you.  Empowering, right?  Open up the windows, power up your record player, pour a glass of wine (singular), relax, and cook a delicious and healthy meal.  It’s time to break free of habit.

Work Up to Something

For the lucky few that are still college, spring break is just around the corner –go join an aerobics class. For the rest of us…what the heck is spring break?  If you’re looking to make a sharp three-sixty turn on your work out regimen, one of the simplest things you can do is sign up for a 5K race, color run, or mud run.  Running is a great way to increase the circulation in your legs and is a great cardio source for burning fat. An actual event will allow you to mark an official start and end date, making it possible to easily plan a day-to-day work out plan.  Once it’s complete, set a time goal for your next race and continue to work your way up.

Find a Workout Buddy  

Whether it be your partner, best friend, or random person on Craigslist (we don’t judge), having someone to work out with causes you to become more accountable and makes your work out more enjoyable.  Cheating was a thrill in grade school, but this is your work out we’re talking about here…pretty serious.  This person will keep your head in the game and give you a reason to get up in the morning.  They will push you to your limits and you will do the same for them.  It will be your most productive social hours, ever.

Stay (Almost) Away from the Scale  

Keeping up with your weight can be extremely discouraging at first and, in some cases, can cause you to give up.  Our advice is to start with an initial weigh-in to get familiarized with where you are and set your goals for where you want to be.  It’s then a good idea to put the scale away for the first month of your workout and/or diet.  You sometimes don’t see the numbers go down on the scale, but after a few weeks of sticking to the schedule, you will feel it.  After the month is up, weigh yourself again.  If you’ve been strict on yourself, you’ve lost a pound or three.  This will give you the extra boost you need towards reaching your weight loss goal.  From there on out, gradually start to bring the scale out more often to keep you on track.

In 2013, we challenge you to finally become the person you want to be by being one of the few to stick with your New Year’s Resolution.  It won’t be easy, but before you know it, this challenge will begin to turn into a lifestyle and you will be exactly where you’re supposed to be.

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