You can wear sandals and compression stockings!

You can wear sandals and compression stockings!

When the weather warms up, wearers of compression can still wear their favorite summer footwear. Read on for our recommendations on open toe and footless compression stockings that won't cramp your toes, or your style.

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Meet RejuvaHealth’s New Pattern: Camo

Meet RejuvaHealth’s New Pattern: Camo

Since our launch in December 2010, we've provided you with a variety of colorful and fashion-forward compression stockings. Now, we're spicing up the collection with a new generation of patterned products, and it all starts with our Camo RejuvaSocks®.      

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Wearing Compression Stockings in Cold Weather: FAQs + Seasonal Tips

Wearing Compression Stockings in Cold Weather: FAQs + Seasonal Tips

Cooling air, shorter days, and the arrival of holiday decor: signals of fall’s arrival and the weather changes that accompany it. With this change in weather, come changes in wardrobe. For compression wearers, this sparks a different set of questions than those wearers consider in warmer months.

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Rejuva Casual Seamless Leggings

How to Wear Compression Leggings – FAQ’s and Style Ideas.

When designing our footless legging, I focused on 3 main features: -  A top like a true legging (no pantyhose control tops with feet cut off) -  Maximum opacity so you can wear & pair with tops other than dresses -  An ultra wide, yoga-pant-inspired tummy band.

After over 10 months of research, development, and countless prototype iterations, we finally had a version I loved & which I thought other wearers like me would love too. We launched it fall 2012 and they’ve been a best-seller since! 

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How to Choose Between Full-Length Compression Stocking Styles

How to Choose Between Full-Length Compression Stocking Styles

So your doctor told you to wear full-length compression stockings.

Knee-highs are out of the question so what’s the next best option: thigh highs, pantyhose, or leggings?

Here are a few of the top pieces of advice I’ve learned over the years along with some of my favorite tips for choosing the best length compression garment for your needs.

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Rejuva Heart Socks

How to Transition your Compression Stockings from Winter to Spring

Driving to work this morning with sunglasses on and windows down, I couldn’t help but be pleasantly reminded of spring’s arrival. Changing blooms, longer days and warmer weather - all welcomed changes to winter’s short days, cold nights & layers.

Winter makes wearing compression easy. Under pants, they offer a spare layer of warmth. Paired with dresses they do double duty as fashion-accessory & cold protection. No one even thinks to ask why you’re wearing tights – because duh it’s winter right? 

Here are some ways you can transition your compression stockings from winter to spring. 


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